The Franco-Brazilian High-Rise research project looks at issues raised by the accelerated residential verticalization of contemporary metropolises. What links can be made with the global financialization processes? What narratives are produced by developers and municipalities to attract capital and people into these high-rises? What are the experiences of their residents? How do high-rise living change the experience of the city? Is this trend alleviating or deepening segregative processes?
These are the major questions our research tries and answer through case studies. Cases include Lyon and Sao Paulo where the partners of the project are based (USP and Université Lyon2, with collaborations with the Municipal Agencies of both cities), London as a benchmark, but also Melbourne, Dallas, Brasov, Hanoï, Buenos Aires, Oran.
Our partners are institutions across Brazil and France.
The High Rise Project has been funded (2017-2021) by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche and the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo.
Additional fundings have been provided by the COFECUB program (2017-2018).
The teams worked in two research laboratories: Environnement Ville Société (UMR 5600 of the CNRS), attached to the Université Lumière Lyon 2, in France; and the Laboratório de estudos do ambiente urbano contemporâneo under the Instituto de Arquitetura e Urbanismo de São Carlos, in Brazil.
Agence Nationale de la Recherche
The French National Research Agency (ANR) is a public administrative institution under the authority of the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. The agency funds project-based research carried out by public operators cooperating with each other or with private companies.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
The São Paulo State Research Support Foundation (FAPSEP) is one of the main agencies for promoting scientific and technological research in the country. With autonomy guaranteed by law, FAPESP is linked to the Secretariat for Economic Development.
Instituto de Arquitetura e Urbanismo de São Carlos
The Institute of Architecture and Urbanism was created on December 14, 2010 by unanimous decision of the University Council. The recognition concerns the trajectory of the Department of Architecture and Urbanism, which was an integral part of the São Carlos School of Engineering (EESC) for more than four decades. The contribution of a large number of teachers and civil servants, some of them no longer among us, is an integral part of this trajectory.
Université Lumière Lyon 2
Since its creation in 1973, the Lumière Lyon 2 University has been committed to carrying a strong and demanding vision of Higher Education and Research, driven by a spirit and values that are also its hallmark: human and humanist , committed and united, democratic and citizen.
A founding member of Comue, Université Lumière Lyon 2 hosts nearly 30,000 students on two campuses, from undergraduate to doctorate.
Laboratoire Environnement Ville Société
UMR 5600 Environnement Ville Société (EVS) brings together communities of researchers from a wide spectrum of disciplines in the human and social sciences belonging to the teaching and research establishments of the Lyon Saint-Etienne grouping project.
EVS deals with the ways in which contemporary and past societies organize and manage their environments, modalities observed from the angle of change, action, transformation, evolution, becoming.
Laboratório de Estudos do Ambiente Urbano Contemporâneo
LEAUC focuses on the transdisciplinary investigation of the contemporary city, its conformation and transformation processes, its distinctive spatialities, new forms of sociability and cultural expression. The laboratory, in the context of its theoretical framework, aims to discuss and analyze concepts, processes and contexts from three research lines: City, Housing and Inequality; Spatial Conformations and Contemporary Urbanities; City and Culture. In a transversal way, the conceptual, contextual and procedural dimensions of these axes are investigated from the questioning: "is there anything new?" "What is effectively new?"
Énora Achéritogaray
Graduate in urban Geography
Passionate about urban studies, I completed a second master's degree at the Paris Urban School after conducting this research within the ANR High-Rise team. Focusing on urban regeneration in Parisian suburbs, I studied the role of women’s activities in gardens, industrial wastelands and environmental sites through the ethics of care. Working on local development at the town hall for one year in these suburbs was interesting to understand the relationship between suburban dwellers living in social high-rise buildings and care-full spatiality in relation to feelings, capabilities and political responsibility. I am now looking for a job in research offices, design firms or in the administration of cities with an ecological territorial project whose aim is to foster the civic participation in the ecological transition through territorialized projects involved in spatial justice.
Manoel Rodrigues Alves
Professor, graduate and undergraduate studies, Institute of Architecture and Urbanism -University of São Paulo (IAU-USP). Post-Doctorate, Escuela Superior Técnico de Arquitectura, University of Seville. PhD, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, University of São Paulo. Master, Master of Science in Architecture Studies, School of Architecture, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Architect, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Mackenzie Universit. Leader, LEAUC- Contemporary Urban Environment Studies Laboratory. Research focuses: production processes in the contemporary city, (re) signification of the notion of public space, socio-spatial processes and urban spatialities. Coordinator ‘Highrise Living and the Inclusive City’, bi-national project USP-Universitè Lyon 2. Other financed projects: Architecture and Public Domain: tension between concepts and practices in Argentine cities (Responsible: Julio Arroyo); Public Space and Contemporary City: imaginary and liminalities (CNPq). Member of the Editorial and Scientific Body of Journals, National and International. Ad-hoc Consultant for Organs, Research Institutes and Promotion Agencies. Member of the Commission for the Implementation of Policies for Pedagogical Didactic Training (PRPG-USP). Coordinator of the IAU-USP / ETSA Dual Degree Doctorate Program, Universidad de Sevilla. Formerly NAPurb Coordinator: Research Center for Urbanization and Globalization (2012-2017).
Manuel Appert
Geographer, professor of architecture at the École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Lyon, Member of the management team of the Environnement Ville et Société laboratory (UMR 5600) and doctoral referent, co-director of the scientific journal Géocarrefour and researcher in the component EVS-LAURE.
The common thread of my research work has so far been the metropolization process, first considered from the angle of transport - urban planning interactions (thesis defended in 2005), then oriented towards issues of production, experience and regulation of the vertical city. With the ANR SKYLINE, associating researchers (geographers, architects, town planners and IT specialists) and practitioners (Historic England, CABE, Westminster Council, Mayor of London, Lyon urban planning agency), I understood the impact of towers on the large urban landscape / skyline, the latter considered as a socio-economic and cultural resource landscape for societies.
My current and future research, with French and foreign colleagues and practitioners, can be grouped into two structuring axes. The first is supported by two research programs: the Industrial Chair Habiter Ensemble la Ville de Demain (University of Lyon, Bouygues, Alliade Habitat, SACVEL, Métropole de Lyon) and the Franco-Brazilian ANR HIGH-RISE associating geographers, architects and town planners (Lyon 2, USP Sao Paulo). In these two programs, I work to live in the towers through its production, its performances and the lifestyles that unfold there in France and the United Kingdom. It is particularly a question of studying the practices in the residential towers of the private and social park, in connection with the technical and architectural conditions of the towers (appropriation, accommodation, subversion).
The second axis is based on the CANOPY research project, bringing together researchers and practitioners from different disciplines (geography, architecture, IT, town planning, law and sociology) which aims to assess the capacity, potential and uses of roofs , a constructed layer of the urban canopy.
All of this research allows me today to re-examine the production and reception of the city through the prism of verticality, a dimension neglected for too long. With an international and multidisciplinary colloquium (Exploring and thinking about the vertical city, 2015), several publications and communications and the PhD holders and candidates that I have (had) the pleasure of supervising, I am helping to structure the field of emerging research on the vertical dimension of urbanization. Instead of a research agenda constructed from domination or war planning theorized by (Weizman), I rather subscribe to the banality of the vertical city proposed by Andrew Harris and develop a relational approach that articulates with vertical architectural objects, social practices and political regulation.
Julio Arroyo
Architect. Professor Architectural Design, Critic and Theory of Architecture and Urbanism: Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe, Argentina. Graduate Universidad Católica Santa Fe. Invited Professor: CA+P, U. of Utah (EE:UU); FH, Universidad Autónoma San Luis Potosí (México); FADU, Universidad de la República (Uruguay); National Faculties of Architecture of Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Nordeste, Rosario y Tucumán (Argentina). Lectures and workshops at KU Leuven (Bélgica); ESTSAB, UPC (Barcelona); UNAM (México), Universidad de Sevilla (España), LNEC (Portugal). Researcher (National System Category II) at INTHUAR (FADU-UNL). Research focus: Architecture and Public Space in Contemporary City. Jury of competitions CAPSF-Santa Fe.
Lucas Barbosa
Mandana Bafghinia
PhD candidate on Architecture and Geography, Université de Montréal and University Lumière - Lyon 2
Mandana Bafghinia is a PhD candidate studying jointly in Canada and France. She works on architecture at the Université de Montréal and on geography at the University Lumière - Lyon 2. She conducts interdisciplinary research on the skyscrapers, focusing specifically on their summits. She has been a recipient of the Student Competition Award of the Council of Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat in 2019 with a project on “skyscrapers as a complex response to rising waters.”
Mandana holds a degree in architecture from Cyprus and a master’s degree in contemporary art and new media from France, received within an exchange program with Milan’s Accademia di Brera. Before engaging in her doctorate, she undertook preliminary studies on the skyscrapers as a post-master student in Paris.
Loïc Bonneval
Assistant Professor in sociology at University Lyon 2 Lumière, researcher at the Centre Max Weber laboratory
Loïc Bonneval is an Associate professor at the department of Anthropolgy, Sociology and Political Science Lyon 2 University, Lyon, France and at the Center Max Weber. His research focuses on real estate markets, housing policies, residential trajectories and wealth inequalities. He wrote Les agents immobiliers, pour une sociologie des acteurs du marché du logement (Real Estate agents, A sociological approach to real estate markets participants) 2011, and De la rente à la finance, La société de la rue impériale à Lyon 1854-2004 (between real estate markets and financial markets, la Société de la Rue Impériale, Lyon 1854-2004) with François Robert in 2019.
Bianca Botea
Anthropologist, Assistant Professor at the University Lumière - Lyon 2 and Researcher at the Laboratory of Anthropology of Contemporary Issues (LADEC).
My recent work focuses on the transformations of post-communist cities in Romania (Braşov) and on neighbourhoods undergoing urban renewal in France (Lyon). Through an immersive ethnographic approach, I analyse the production of familiarities and attachments of individuals with transformed urban spaces. For this, I focus on a diversity of dimensions of the environment and of the field of experience mobilized in the construction of attachments (environment affordances, memories, atmospheres, affects, objects, etc.), as well as on the mechanisms by which the knowledge of places, the spatio-temporal landmarks and memories are maintained and renewed in these changing contexts. In my research I come across various methodologies: participant observations and interviews, mental maps, “walking voices” recordings during urban tours, sound recordings or videos (taken by my interlocutors with a body-mounted action camera). I am interested in public and collaborative anthropology approaches.
Katia Canova
Arquiteta Urbanista, bacharel e Mestre pela Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo - FAU-USP, especialista em Desenho e Gestão do Território Municipal pela PUCCAMP e Doutora em Geografia Humana pela Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo- FFLCH -USP, com estágio de pesquisa na Universidade de Lyon III, Jean Moulin, no Centro de Pesquisa em Geografia e Planejamento - CRGA, ligado ao laboratório Environnement Ville et Société (UMR 5600).
Atuou na SP Urbanismo (2011-2021) junto à gerência operacional das Operações Urbanas de São Paulo, CDHU (2005-2011), no Programa de Atuação em Cortiços, e na Secretaria Municipal de Desenvolvimento Urbano (2013-2016), com foco em dados urbanos, cartografia, espaços públicos e mobilidade ativa. Atuou nas equipes responsáveis pela elaboração de 20 novos Centros Educacionais Unificados - CEUs (2013-2015), coordenou a elaboração do atlas do Plano Diretor Estratégico de 2014, assim como do DataSubs, que subsidiou os processos participativos de elaboração dos Planos Regionais das Subprefeituras de 2016.
Pesquisadora associada ao LabQuapá e ao rizoma Chôros (Coros) de pesquisadores, com sede na França. Colabora com o grupo de infraestrutura urbana do projeto MapBiomas pelo LabQuapá.
Pesquisa urbanidade e justiça espacial, tendo elaborado um índice nos mesmos temas para o município de São Paulo, apresentado na tese defendida em 2020. Atualmente elabora projeto de pós-doc na área de uso e percepção de espaços livres urbanos. Também atua como representante da sociedade civil pelo IAB-SP na Comissão Municipal de Transporte e Trânsito da Secretaria Municipal de Transporte e Mobilidade do Município de São Paulo.
Luiana Cardozo
Huana Cavalho
Huana Carvalho is a Ph.D. student in Political Science at the Université de Lyon 2 (UMR 5600 EVS, Entpe) and in Architecture and Urbanism at the IAU-USP. Her ongoing dissertation research analyzes recent evolutions in the French and Brazilian housing policies from the perspective of public developers' and innovative financing of affordable and social housing. She is interested in the State production of the housing market as a field of investment and its consequences for urban and housing production. In the Highrise project, she works on the São Paulo metropolitan area's market behavior facing the federal housing policy.
Alexandre Chabardès
Graduated in Anthropology, attending for french teaching certificate in philosophy (Certificat d'Aptitude au Professorat de l'Enseignement du Second degré).
Alexandre Chabardès is a former student who graduated from a master's degree in social and cultural anthropology from the University Lumière Lyon 2 in 2018. Following his diploma, he branched out from the world of research to go to teaching: a MEEF master's degree 2nd degree in philosophy (Métier de l’Enseignement, de l’Education et de la Formation) in hand in 2020, it is currently in preparation for the CAPES (Certificat d'Aptitude au Professorat de l'Enseignement du Second degré) in philosophy, in order to teach this subject in high school.
During his second year of master's degree, he joined the High-Rise Living research team as an anthropologist: this added to the geographic and architectural aspects of the team the more properly experiential aspect of the inhabitants of residential towers. In his master's thesis, which was done jointly with his participation in the High-Rise team, he studied the people’s practices of verticality in the Duchère in Lyon, specifically in the residential tower la Tour Panoramique built in the district.
His themes of research interest, which are reflected in this word, and which combine both anthropology and philosophy, are the particularity of human experience, from perception to human productions, in the feelings and representations that emanate from it. Thus, in its participation in High-Rise living, this is materialized by an attention to urbanity through the prism of the inhabitant experience: more particularly of the question of inhabiting it, of the practices of living, and therefore of the inhabiting in verticality.
Luciano Costa
Professor-PhD 1 at USP's Institute of Architecture and Urbanism
Coordinator of the Center for Contemporary Spatialities, NEC_USP São Carlos. Full member of the IAU-USP São Carlos Culture and Extension Commission. He works in research and teaching in undergraduate and graduate courses in the areas of: Arts; Language of Architecture and the City, Photography and interactions between perception, representation and metropolis. Currently, he develops research problematizing the relationship between landscape, visual representation and urbanity. PhD from FAU-USP, 2010, in the Project area, Space and Culture under the guidance of Profa. Dr. Vera Palamin. Master in Education from UNICAMP, 2001, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Milton José de Almeida. Graduation in Social Sciences, UNICAMP.
Ricardo Santhiago Costa Pinto
Graduating since 2017 in Architecture and Urbanism at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo (IAU-USP), Ricardo worked with different teachers and researchers on scientific initiation projects during his graduation years. At first, he worked on a project that intended to develop a concrete with more sustainable properties by reducing the amount of cement on its composition. After that, he studied the impacts of the AirBNB platform on the urban dynamics of the city of Piracicaba. And for the last two years he has been participating in the research group LEAUC (Laboratory of Contemporary Urban Environment Studies) on the binational project (BR/FR) “Highrise: Living and the Inclusive Cities”.
Pierre-Eloi Coste
Graduate in Architecture, Space Design Strategist freelance in Lyon, France.
Following his work experience in France and Vietnam post Bachelors in architectural firms specialized in high-rise housing, Pierre-Eloi has chosen to focus on this subject and its challenges at each scale. During his masters he concentrated on the specific context of Hanoi. In 2020, while developing his research thesis and architectural graduation project simultaneously, he intended to blend theory, aesthetic and the contemporary uses of verticalization in this young globalized metropolis. He had the aim to highlight the significance of a "glocal" approach while analyzing verticalization of the urban fabric in this asian emerging city. With eyes looking to the past and the future concurrently, he wishes to pursue research in the future by starting a PhD and take advantages of its results in his later professional practice.
Maìra Daitx
Institute of Architecture and Urbanism - University of São Paulo
Maíra C. Daitx is an Architect and Urbanist. PhD Student in Theory of Architecture and Urbanism at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism, University of São Paulo, with a Visiting Researcher period at the Higher Technical School of Architecture, University of Sevilla. Master of Science in Theory of Architecture and Urbanism at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism. Graduate at the Faculty of Architecture, Arts and Communication, São Paulo State University. She is member of the research group LEAUC since 2014 and has been part of the “Highrise Living and the Inclusive City” since 2016. Her research focus are contemporary urban projects; processes, transformations and the production of contemporary cities; and temporary and ephemeral spaces. Ongoing research project: “Amid times of the city: Spatiotemporal conflicts and absorption processes” (financed by FAPESP).
Louise Dorignon
Research fellow at the Centre for Urban Research (RMIT University, Australia)
Contact :
Dr Louise Dorignon is a geographer and housing scholar with a keen interest in high-rise spaces and societies in contemporary cities, and in the vertical dimension of urbanisation.
Louise is currently researching the consequences of apartment design regulations and guidelines on housing outcomes as part of ARC Linkage Project HOME, based at the Centre for Urban Research (RMIT University, Australia).
She explored in her doctoral thesis the micro-politics of high-rise living, investigating the relationship between social relationships and housing change in Melbourne inner suburbs. Louise used qualitative methods to explore dwellers’ agency in the negotiation of design choices and co-production of high-rise spaces.
Her doctoral degree fostered research collaboration between French and Australian geography institutes, working within the School of Geography at the University of Melbourne, and within UMR 5600 EVS-IRG at Université Lyon 2 Lumière.
Recently, Louise was a research investigator on a project analysing the diverse impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on low-income households across Melbourne. Previously, she participated in the international ANR research projects SKYLINE and HIGH RISE on the socio-political impacts of high-rise developments in Europe and South America. As part of project HEVD, Louise helped coordinate interdisciplinary research activities addressing the production of apartment living for better and more inclusive housing practices and urban strategies.
Juliana Estebes
Màrcio Fabrizio
Professor e orientador do Instituto de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo - IAU USP. Editor da revista Gestão & Tecnologia de Projetos. Líder do grupo de pesquisa Arquitetura, Inovação e Tecnologia - Arquitec IAU USP. Colabora com o grupo de pesquisa Qualidade e Desempenho no Ambiente Construído da FAU USP. Livre - Docente em Arquitetura, Urbanismo e Tecnologia pela Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos da Universidade de São Paulo - EESC USP (2008), Doutor em engenharia pela Escola Politécnica da USP (2002), Mestre em Arquitetura e Urbanismo pela EESC USP (1996), Engenheiro Civil pela Universidade Federal de São Carlos (1993). Foi visitante na University of Huddersfield pelo programa CAPES PrInt (fev-mar 2020). Atuou como Presidente da Associação Nacional de Tecnologia do Ambiente Construído - ANTAC (10/2012-11/2014), Diretor de Relações Interinstitucionais da ANTAC (10/2010 a 10/2012), Membro do Conselho Fiscal da Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo - ANPARQ (Gestão 2013-2014). Exerceu a Coordenação Acadêmica do Doutorado Interinstitucional entre o IAU USP e as Universidades Estaduais de Maringá e Londrina - DINTER IAU-UEM-UEL (dez. 2011- Mar. 2016). No IAU USP atuou como Presidente da Comissão de Pesquisa (nov 2015 a maio. 2018), Presidente da Comissão do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo (nov. 2013 a nov. 2015), Vice-Presidente da Comissão de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo (out. 2011 a nov. 2013), Membro da Congregação do IAU USP (Dez. 2011 a Maio 2018). Na EESC USP respondeu pela Coordenação do Curso de Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo (10/2003 a 9/2006). Na USP participou do Conselho Central de Pesquisa (nov. 2015 a maio 2019) e do Conselho de Pós-Graduação (nov. 2013 a nov. 2015). Coordenou diversos projetos de pesquisa, dentre os quais a Rede INOVATEC-FINEP, envolvendo dez instituições brasileiras de ensino e pesquisa, com financiamento da FINEP entre 2011- 2018. Atualmente Coordena os projetos HBIM e Documentação digital do patrimônio arquitetônico moderno (Edital Universal 2018), e Projeto Integrado de Edifícios e Modelagem da Informação da Construção (Bolsa Produtividade CNPq). Como pesquisador colaborador, participou dos projetos: O processo de projeto em arquitetura: da teoria à tecnologia (Temático Fapesp); Casa de Vidro: an icon of modern architecture and conservation (The Getty Foundation); dentre outros. Atua frequentemente como assessor da FAPESP, CNPq, CAPES e como revisor ad hoc de periódicos científicos nacionais e internacionais, dentre os quais: Advances in Civil Engineering; Architectural Engineering and Design Management; International Journal of Architectural Computing; Smart and Sustainable Built Environment; Ambiente Construído (ANTAC); Cadernos do PROARQ (UFRJ); Gestão & Produção; PARC (UNICAMP); Produção (ABREPO); Revista Pós FAU USP; Virus (Nomads); Urbe (PUC PR). Linhas de Atuação e Pesquisa: Gestão e Tecnologia de Projetos; Projeto Paramétrico; Industrialização da Construção e Sistemas Construtivos Inovadores.
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Marcel Fantin
Professor at Intitute of Architecture and Urbanism-USP, undergraduate and graduate studies
Researcher at LEAUC (Laboratory of Contemporary Urban Environment Studies) and LMI-SAGEMM (International Multidisciplinar Lab: social activities, gender, markets and mobilities). Graduated in Law, University of Vale do Paraíba (2002); specialization in Environmental Law, University of São Paulo (2003); Master in Urban and Regional Planning, University of Vale do Paraíba (2005); Doctoral Degree in Geosciences (Political and Management of Natural Resources), State University of Campinas (2011) with PhD Sandwich by the Department of Genesis des Mines et de Metallurgie, Université Laval (2010). He also graduated in Cartography, University of Vale do Paraíba (1997). He worked at Instituto Pólis and at the ICES (Emerging and Sustainable Cities) initiative of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in the development of projects in the area of urban, environmental and regional planning in Bahia. Author of the book: Mineral Aggregates, Environment and Urbanization in the Perspective of Canadian Public Policies. Ontario and Quebec provinces.
Ana Carolina Felizardo
Mestranda pela pesquisa "INVESTIGAÇÕES CRÍTICAS ACERCA DO URBANISMO TÁTICO: [IN]CONGRUÊNCIAS E DISPUTAS", orientada pelo Prof. Dr. David Moreno Sperling, junto ao grupo NEC (Núcleo de Espacialidades Urbanas) no IAU-USP (Instituto de Arquitetura e Urbanismo - São Carlos). Pesquisadora na área de Teoria e História da Arquitetura e do Urbanismo, linha de pesquisa Urbanismo Tático. Graduada em Arquitetura e Urbanismo pelo mesmo Instituto. Atualmente participa dos Programas de Extensão CO-LAB e CO-Escola, junto ao NEC, e do Grupo de Pesquisa pelo CNPq, CUAL - Comum Urbano na América Latina. Fez duas Pesquisas de Cultura e Extensão, foi bolsista de iniciação científica FAPESP intitulada, Os Parklets na Cidade de São Paulo: Projetos e Apropriações, no grupo NEC em 2017/2018 e bolsista de Treinamento Técnico FAPESP TT-3 pelo projeto temático - HighRise: Living and the inclusive city - no grupo LEAUC (Laboratório de Estudos do Ambiente Urbano Contemporâneo) entre 2018/2019; agraciada com Menção Honrosa no Programa Nascente na área de design pelo Projeto coletivo Pouso e na revista digital internacional ArchDaily o trabalho foi classificado entre os 100 melhores trabalhos de estudante de arquitetura no mundo em madeira.
Rhuara Ferreira
Aurélien Gentil
Doctor in Sociology and wine-maker in the Vallée du Rhône, France.
Contact :
Aurélien Gentil has a doctorate in sociology. He's a former member of the Max Weber Center and of the MEPS team (Modes, spaces and socialization processes), now reconverted into wine making. During his years of research and teaching, he has worked on the spatial dimensions of socialization, ways of living and work-related mobility. Bringing together urban sociology and the sociologies of youth and precariousness, his thesis focused on seasonal workers in tourism. Through the study of this population, he was able to shed a new light on how the younger generations' relationship to the world is shaped by the spatial and temporal discontinuities determined by the structural insecurity of employment. Post-doctoral fellow in the ANR-FAPEPS High-Rise project between 2017 and 2018, he notably led the fieldwork carried out in Lyon as part of research tasks(Representations and imaginaries of the residential high-rise ) and 4 (Living the high-rise).
Renan Gomez
Arquiteto popular, Maitá Assessoria Técnica em Habitação de Interesse Social (Maitá ATHIS); mestrando em Teoria e História da Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Programa de Pós Graduação do Instituto de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo (PPGAU-USP). Arquiteto e Urbanista, IAU-USP. Pesquisador, YBY – Grupo de Estudos Fundiários, Políticas Públicas e Produção do Espaço e da Paisagem. Foco de Pesquisa: asdasdas Projetos Recentes: Do Gabinete à Gaveta: Operações Urbanas Consorciadas em Florianópolis (2010-2014) (Mestrado de fluxo contínuo FAPESP, Processo 2018/26018-7); ‘Adequação urbanística do bairro-hospitalar de barretos - hospital de amor’ – IAU-USP, Grupo PExURB (; ‘Plano Popular de Urbanização e Regularização Fundiária do Banhado’ – IAU-USP, Grupo PExURB (;
‘Produção do Espaço, Atores Sociais e Políticas Urbanas’ – IAU-USP, Grupo YBY; ‘Habitação Social Digna e Diversificada pela e para a Comunidade: moradias expansíveis a partir de um módulo hidráulico na Ocupação Em Busca de Um Sonho’ – Associação Veracidade, Maitá ATHIS e MTST
Carollina Heldt
Olivia Legrip
Postdoctoral fellow in Anthropology at LabEx COMOD (Université de Lyon) and affiliated to the Institut supérieur d’étude des religions et de la laïcité (ISERL)
Olivia Legrip-Randriambelo is a postdoctoral fellow in anthropology at LabEx COMOD (Université de Lyon) and affiliated to the Institut supérieur d’étude des religions et de la laïcité (ISERL). Her thesis on religious healings was conducted in an urban context in Fianarantsoa, the capital of the Betsileo region in Madagascar.
After a year of research within the ANR High-Rise program (2018-2019), where she worked, from an anthropological perspective, on height and verticality in two buildings of the Duchère (district of Lyon). She continued her researches to Protestant exorcism in Madagascar and France. She is also member of the ANR ReliMig program (Catholic migrants in plural societies. Religious and social anchoring) in which she questions the place of members of the Malagasy catholic clergy in Lyon. She is also co-editor in chief of Emulations - Revue de sciences sociales, published by the Presses Universitaires de Louvain (Belgium).
Aluisio Martel
Hélène Mathian
Research engineer in spatial analysis, Environnement Ville et Société laboratory (UMR 5600) CNRS, Lyon
From a background in statistics, I specialised in the management, processing and representation of spatio-temporal data in the field of human and urban geography. Today, my approach revolves around different methods: data modelling, statistical modelling and exploration, computer simulation, geovisualisation.
My various methodological contributions concern projects on:
Geoffrey Mollé
PhD student in urban Geography, Environnement Ville et Société laboratory (UMR 5600) and Institut de Recherches Géographiques, Université Lyon 2 Lumière
PhD student in urban Geography (4th year) : "Urban (de)verticalisation et fragmentation of the "milieux", a social mesology of the residential tower". University Lyon 2 Lumière. Temporary professor in Geography at Université Jean Monnet of Saint-Etienne. Research group : EVS/IRG (Environnement Ville et Société/ Institut de Recherches Géographiques). Research focus : verticalization processes; high-rise production and high-rise living; urban geography; mesology. Ongoing research projects: Highrise living and the inclusive city.
Christian Montès
Director of the High Rise project. Professor of Geography, Environnement Ville et Société laboratory (UMR 5600), Director of the Doctoral School of Université Lyon 2 Lumière
Professor of geography at Université Lyon2. He has worked extensively on urban planning issues (transport, historical geography), and more recently on questions of the metropolitan skylines (participation in the ANR SKYLINE 2013-2016) and highrise living (scientific coordinator and French coordinator of the ANR-FAPESP Highrise research project). He has been the dean of the faculty, and vice-president for international affairs at Lyon2. Selected publications:
1. Les transports dans l’aménagement urbain à Lyon, 2003, Lyon, Editions Géocarrefour, 260 p.
2. American State Capitals: A Historical Geography, 2014, Chicago, University Press of Chicago, 408 p.
3. Skyscrapers and the redrawing of the London’s skyline: a case of territorialisation through landscape control, 2015, with Manuel Appert, Articulo, special issue 7, Tales of the City.
4. The governance of office tower projects in a European second city: The case of Lyon, 2017, with Maxime Huré et Manuel Appert, Built Environment, vol. 43, n°4, p.520-538.
Camila Moreno de Camargo
Architect and Urbanist. Post doctoral researcher at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of São Paulo. Researcher at SAGEMM IAU (Social activities, gender, markets and mobilities from below - Latin America) and LEAUC (Laboratory of Contemporary Urban Environment Studies). Professor at Universidade Paulista. Worked in technical-political positions in cities in the interior of São Paulo, managing mobility and planning departaments and urban public buildings project. Worked as a teacher in private educational institutions in the same region and at the IAU USP. Doctorate (IAU USP, 2016) and Master (EESC, 2010) focusing on public housing policies and forms of precarious housing in the contemporary city. Research focuses: public housing policies, housing movements, urban regulation, productive and territorial restructuring.
Richard Nordier
Project Manager at the Agence d’urbanisme de l’aire métropolitaine Lyonnaise (UrbaLyon)
Richard Nordier has been working at UrbaLyon as a project manager for ten years. He has a twenty years professional experience in socioeconomics studies and a multi-skills background, mostly in social sciences and urban issues (PhD). His main work references are territory observation and uses of urban spaces.
Julio Pedrassoli
PhD in Human Geography at USP, Master in Physical Geography at USP and graduated in Geography at UNESP. Develops research involving the application of Remote Sensing in the identification of patterns of temporal space change over the earth's surface, especially in the mapping of urban expansion and the relationship between housing and poverty. Professor and Researcher at the Federal University of Bahia, at the Polytechnic School. He was Research Scholar at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory / Columbia University in New York, developing research with the application of linear models of spectral mixture for the study of changes in the Earth's surface over time. He is currently a member of the Steering Committee of the International Geographical Union - IGU - Urban commission and technical coordinator of the mapping of Urban Infrastructure in the MapBiomas project.
Lucas Pereira
Claire Perret
Designer of the High Rise website, graduate in Arts and Anthropology
Claire Perret studied Art at the École nationale supérieure des beaux arts de Lyon and Anthropology at the Université Lyon 2 Lumière. Since then, she has been working on digital projects combining her two major fields of interests. Between 2017 and 2020, she has been the coordinator for Émergence – une enquête audio-visuelle dans l’art contemporain des années 1970-1990 en Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes: a website project presenting the results of an ethnographic enquiry on the regional art scene, which emerged in the context of major political cultural laws in the 1980’s in France (Project funded by the Ministère de la Culture in partnership with the laboratories Environnement Ville Société, Centre Max Weber, Sofiapol and the Université Lyon 2 Lumière, Université Jean Monnet de Saint-Etienne, Université Paris 10-Nanterre).
In 2020, Claire joined the High Rise team to design the project’s website. She also coordinated the french team editorial committee.
Asma Rezk-Kallah
Architect, PhD student in Architecture at Abdelhamid Ibn Badis University (Mostaganem, Algeria)
Asma Rezk-kallah is currently a PhD student in architecture and member of the Construction, Transport and Environmental Protection laboratory at the Faculty of Science and Technology of Abdelhamid Ibn Badis University (Mostaganem, Algeria).
She is enrolled in a PhD programme, her doctoral thesis entitled "Impact of high-rise buildings on the urban landscape of the city of Oran", under the supervision of Professor Messaoud Aiche. To finalize her thesis, she obtained a 9-month Profas B+ scholarship in the EVS-LAURE laboratory (ENSAL-Lyon) under the supervision of Professor Manuel Appert. Her thesis work focuses on the landscape impact of towers in Oran City, paying attention to the landscape perception of the inhabitants. Asma used qualitative and quantitative methods that allow the study of two scales of the landscape: the city and the neighbourhood.
After she holds a master’s degree in architecture and urban design from the University of Science and Technology of Oran in 2016, she worked for two years in architectural firm based in Oran. In 2017, she passed the PhD entrance exam (ranked first).
She also participated in the organization and facilitation of numerous training workshops, exhibitions and volunteering with the main theme: the architectural heritage of the city of Oran and Sociocultural Activities.
Leticia Ribas
Cibele Rizek
Vanessa Rodi
Sarah Rolindo
Graduating Architecture and Urbanism at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo (IAUUSP), in São Carlos. During graduation, Sarah joined different extracurricular groups and, since 2019, has been part of the research group LEAUC (Laboratory of Contemporary Urban Environment Studies), working as a researcher at the binational project (BR/FR) Highrise: Living and Inclusive Cities”.
Ruy Sardinha
Milena Sartori
Instituto de Arquitetura e Urbanismo - Universidade de São Paulo (IAU-USP)
Milena Sartori has a bachelor degree on Architecture and Urbanism from University of São Paulo, Brazil, where she is currently developing a Master research. During college, she received a scholarship from the Brazilian government for an undergraduate exchange program on University of Seville, Spain, where she also developed, in 2019, a complementary research of her Master, financed by FAPESP. Her research focus is about the production of the contemporary urban space, public spaces, socio-spatial practices, and the public-private interface in urban legislation, mainly based on São Paulo’s case studies. Milena is member of the project “Highrise Living and the Inclusive City” and has been part of the research group LEAUC-USP since 2013.
Laura Scrideli
Graduating since 2017 in Architecture and Urbanism at Institute of Architecture and Urbanism, University of São Paulo (IAU.USP), São Carlos. Has participated in groups of university extension, such as the Academic Secretary of Architecture and Urbanism (2017) and Enactus Campus São Carlos (2018-2020). Is currently an active member of the binational project “Highrise: Living and Inclusive Cities” as a researcher of LEAUC (Laboratory of Contemporary Urban Environment Studies).
Maria Sylvia Serra
Graduating since 2017 in Architecture and Urbanism at Institute of Architecture and Urbanism, University of São Paulo (IAU.USP), São Carlos. Has worked with different teachers and researchers on scientific initiation projects and in groups of culture and university extension during his graduation years. In 2019 has made a research project called “urban dérive: between theory and practice”. Since the end of 2020 has been participating in the research group LEAUC (Laboratory of Contemporary Urban Environment Studies), with a research related to the binational project (BR/FR) “Highrise: Living and Inclusive Cities”.
Giovana Sibinel
Graduating since 2017 in Architecture and Urbanism at Institute of Architecture and Urbanism, University of São Paulo (IAU.USP), São Carlos. Has participated in groups of culture and university extension, as SEMANAU (2017-2019), student representation on the Comission of Extension and Culture at IAU.USP. Participating (2019-2021) in the research group LEAUC (Laboratory of Contemporary Urban Environment Studies), with a research related to the binational project (BR/FR) “Highrise: Living and Inclusive Cities”.
César Simoni
Professor in the Department of Geography at USP accredited to the Postgraduate Program in Human Geography (PPGH), has a degree in Geography from the University of São Paulo (2001), a master's degree in Human Geography also from USP (2006) and obtained the title PhD in Geography at this same institution (2013), performing part of his research work linked to Université Paris 3 - Sorbonne Nouvelle. He is a member of the Radical Critical Urban Geography Study Group (GESP), was a researcher at the Center for Support to Research in Urbanization and Globalization (NAPurb), took part in the international network Spatial Justice / Justice Spatiale, based in France, in 2014, is member of the Critical Urban Theory Group of the Institute for Advanced Studies (IEA-USP), leader of the Limiares Research Group, and researcher in the HIGHRISE project, developed between the University of São Paulo and the University of Lyon-Lumière 2 and financed by FAPESP and ANR. He has experience in research in the area of Geography, with an emphasis on Human Geography, acting mainly on the following themes: production of urban and regional space, urbanization of Brazilian territory and reproduction of contemporary urban-metropolitan space. He is currently coordinator of the Graduate Program in Human Geography at the University of São Paulo.
Mateus Vasconcellos
Undergraduate student of Architecture and Urbanism at Institute of Architecture and Urbanism, University of São Paulo (IAU.USP), São Carlos. Has been enrolled in Education project with focus on studying student evasion and has been the student representative in the IAU's Graduation Comitee and Congregation. Participating (2020-2021) in the research group LEAUC (Laboratory of Contemporary Urban Environment Studies), with a research related to the binational project (BR/FR) “Highrise: Living and Inclusive Cities”.
Jeanne Villela
Lígia Maria Campos Juliano
Undergraduate student in Architecture and Urbanism at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo (IAU USP São Carlos), currently enrolled in the Civil Engineering program through the Dual Degree Program at the School of Engineering of São Carlos, University of São Paulo (EESC USP). Conducted research under the Unified Scholarship Program (PUB) of the University of São Paulo, supervised by Professor Dr. Tomás Antonio Moreira, at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo (IAU USP São Carlos). Initiated research with a scientific initiation scholarship (PIBIC), under the guidance of Professor Dr. Manoel Antonio Lopes Rodrigues Alves: "Highrise Project, Timeline, and Navigations in São Paulo's Vertical Urbanism", at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo (IAU USP São Carlos). Contributed to image processing in the book "Producing and living the high-rise: new contexts, old questions?", a product of multidisciplinary binational research funded by FAPESP and ANR, edited by Manoel Rodrigues Alves, Manuel Appert, Christian Montès.
Júlia Kanomata Bones
Undergraduate student in Architecture and Urbanism at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo (IAU USP São Carlos). Engaged in research (2023/2024) under the Unified Scholarship Program (PUB) of the University of São Paulo, supervised by Prof. Dr. Manoel Antonio Lopes Rodrigues Alves, on the project "Reading and Navigating the Vertical Urban: Experimentation and Capture of Verticalized Interfaces in the city of São Paulo", at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo (IAU USP São Carlos). Participation in image processing and indexing in the book "Producing and living the high-rise: new contexts, old questions?", a product of multidisciplinary binational research - funded by FAPESP and ANR, edited by Manoel Rodrigues Alves, Manuel Appert, Christian Montès.
Luísa Bagatim Rodrigues Nunes
Undergraduate student in Architecture and Urbanism at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo (IAU USP São Carlos). Engaged in research (2023/2024) under the Unified Scholarship Program (Programa Unificado de Bolsas - PUB) of the University of São Paulo, guided by Prof. Manoel Antonio Lopes Rodrigues Alves and supervised by post-doctoral Camila Ferreira Guimarães, on the project “Public Spaces and Patrimony: Social-spatial dynamics and cartographic narratives”, at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo (IAU USP São Carlos). Take part in weekly meetings with professor-mentored graduates associated with the Research Group LEAUC (Laboratório de Estudos do Ambiente Urbano Contemporâneo - Contemporary Urban Environment Studies Laboratory), following the research related to the High-Rise, "Reading and Navigating the Vertical Urban: Experimentation and Capture of Verticalized Interfaces in the city of São Paulo".
Julia Delfino Costa Maia
Undergraduate student in Architecture and Urbanism at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo (IAU USP São Carlos). Scholarship recipient (2024) under the Unified Scholarship Program (PUB) of the University of São Paulo, supervised by professor Manoel Rodrigues Alves, on the project of culture and university extension "Precaurious Territories. Environment and Public Health. Equity and Urban Biodiversity" at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo (IAU USP São Carlos). Participating in weekly meetings with researchers colleagues associated with the Research Group LEAUC (Contemporary Urban Environment Studies Laboratory), following the development of the research "Reading and Navigating the Vertical Urban: Experimentation and Capture of Verticalized Interfaces in the city of São Paulo", related to the High-Rise.
Pedro Falha Saraiva